Instagram for your business

Instagram has gained great popularity since the beginning of is existence. What about using Instagram for your business? The average user on social media tends to be drawn more to the visual content which allows for Instagram to be a great outlet.  By using picture through as visual content those viewing your profile getting a chance to see a glimpse into what your business is all about. Consider showing those “behind the scenes” moments as well as the people associated with your business. Social media is all about engagement and connections. Check out the link below to learn more about using Instagram for you business from Top Ten Social Media


Read more on using Instagram for your business



This is happening all to often

Once again there is another unarmed black teenager killed at the hands of law enforcement. Once again there are conflicting stories from eye witnesses and law enforcement on what really happened. Once again mothers and fathers are left without answers as to why their child had to be the one taken away. Once again we as a people ask the question why?

These type of situations are happening all too often. Michael Brown lost the right to live. Watching his mother tell the media how hard it was to get him to graduate from high school is heartbreaking. As black people we are all too familar with the blantant and even underlying disrepect we see as a people. It is easy to riot and vandalize but what will that do. I know it is easier for me to say such things since I have never been in the situation of loosing a family as the family of Michael Brown but all the rioting in the world will not bring that loved one back. So what do we do? We play smart. we already know the media will spin the story to sensationalize what they think is important but we as a people need to do the unexpected. Protest but do so peacefully. Ferguson, St. Louis is turning into the riots of the ’60’s. Lets not move back lets move forward!

To the family of Michael Brown, and all those families who have lost their loves ones by the hands of those who have been “trigger happy” my prayers are with you at this time. I hope that the anger and injustice that has been felt will be used in a way that produces real answers because this has to stop.




The journey begins

June 2011, I graduated from Massachusetts School of Law. I took the bar exam and unfortunately did not pass. Naturally I was upset and defeated.  Instead of trying again I gave up and convinced myself I was fine with just having my law degree. The truth is that was a lie. I found myself deep down still wanting the opportunity to conquer and pass that exam. I have witnessed my friends and former classmates conquer this task some having to do it more than once. Now it is my turn to do the same. Now 3 years later I begin the journey again. Massachusetts bar exam 2015 here I come!



Time to Crossfit

That is right ladies and gents I completed my 1st Crossfit class. I have to admit I was nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. I am only as familiar as the competitions I have seen on television. I tried gaining as much knowledge as possible but the only thing left to do was take the class!. I walked in to the end of one class as I was early for my own 7 pm class ( I hate being late) I was greeted by a few people which helped in taking my nerves down a notch. I soon later met the instructor and got right to work. From the warm up (row machine..500 m, ring pull ups) to shoulder press variations I felt all the movements. By the end  I was happy I completed it and now time for a day off.


Thank you JP Crossfit



Color of choice

They say you shouldn’t wear white after labor day…..

Well it seems getting the chance to wear white before then is the next best option. Summer time is in full swing and during this time I have noticed a very noticeable presence for the color white.

What is it about white and the summertime that go hand in hand.


From white dresses to shoes, pants, bags its everywhere!





I will definitely keep a look out on what this summer will bring.
